Population of St Maarten
St Maarten Population Based upon data available from 2015.
New information will be updated soon.
The land of happy people!
In 2005 approximately 35,000 St Maarten individuals were thought about as long-term residents of St. Maarten (and around 30,000 in St Martin). St. Maarten is without a doubt the most densely populated of all the Dutch Caribbean Islands with just over 1000 people per km2 on the Dutch side.
On average, approximately 1000 people more move to the island as relocation away, this adds to the development figures for the resident population (see Figure 5 ). 2003 saw a significant rise in the numbers of people relocating to and from St. Maarten, and for the first time there was a bottom line of individuals (around 250 more left the island than moved to the island).
There has actually been a significant shift in the structure of the population of St. Maarten for many years from 1995 to 2004. There is an increasing loss of young, financially active residents from the age of 15 years to 20 years, who leave to educate or work abroad.
The resident population are far surpassed by visitors to the island. There are 3 main tourist groups that go to St. Maarten; stay over travelers, cruise boat travelers and yacht tourists.
Stay over visitors alone increase the population of St. Maarten by 7 times over the year, although tourists do not typically stay for more than 2 weeks. The variety of stay over tourists is expected to increase by between 50% (low price quote, 354000 individuals) and 80% (high price quote, 432000 individuals) between 2005 and 2015. If the resident population continues to grow at its existing rate (16.5%) 2015 will see around 47500 individuals completely on Island.
The variety of cruise visitors is likewise anticipated to increase from 2005 to 2015 from simply under 1.4 million to nearly 2 million checking out the entire of the island. Marine base travelers such as Luxury yacht visitors are also likely to increase in number. These boosts in the short-term and irreversible populations on St. Maarten will position increasing pressure on the islands environment and facilities.
The majority of the population are Protestant, though there are Catholic and Jewish minorities.
Beautiful St Maarteners
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